ECLECT Lab was founded in 2017 as a Vienna-based artist collective. Since then it has evolved into a multidisciplinary studio which aims to creatively engage with society.

ECLECT Lab consists of
Sami Ciftci, Vincent Forstenlechner, Ira Grünberger, Ronja-Elina Kappl and Miles Schleifer.

ECLECT Lab is currently based in Vienna, Berlin and Amsterdam.

ECLECT Lab and its members have worked with Atelier Drei, Auris Ku, Connected Archives, Fabrique Records, Farr, Fotohof Salzburg, Kommerz Records, Lorenz Ambeek, off office, Ouvo Records, Robert Schwarz, Salon Oblique, Soju Studio, Thrived, Westphal Wians, Zeit Magazin